Solis – 11.4kW 600VDC Residential Hybrid Storage Inverter



The S6 (Series 6) hybrid energy storage string inverter is the latest in hybrid inverter technology, versatile and flexible for the growing solar storage marketplace. This easily scalable hybrid inverter can be DC-coupled to a variety of batteries post-installation as well as can be paralleled to add capacity. The S6 hybrid is a grid-forming inverter that supports the latest high-powered PV modules with 16A DC inputs at each MPPT. This product line is also certified PVRSS and UL3741 compliant when utilized with proper racking and array-level shutdown devices, meaning that you can realize cost and time savings by supporting simpler installs. Safeguard your power, while ensuring the ability to easily grow your solution and preserve your investment.

Single Phase High Voltage Energy Storage Inverter

Leading Features

  • External RSD, EPO signal and BYPASS switch are available
  • Our flexible design and NEMA rating means you are restricted to the garage
  • Up to 4 MPPTs and 16A of DC input current allows for PV array design flexibility and module of choice to be used
  • Do more and support all systems with integrated options and an open ecosystem, from optimization, module-level monitoring, rapid shutdown and DC or AC coupling
  • UL 9540 certified with multiple different battery brands for optimum flexibility
  • Simplified commissioning via Bluetooth
  • Partial or whole-home backup capability with generator integration and load shedding options available.
  •  Some of the largest backup capabilities in the industry with Automatic UPS switching and up to 170% (130A) 300ms surge power back up overload capacity
  • Multi-peak MPPT offers shade mitigation and intelligent string-level optimization without hardware
  • Reduce complexity and save time with UL3741 listing with specific racking and array-level RSD technology